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Here's Why You've Got to Change Your AC's Filter Now!
Harvey Shell • May 13, 2024

Here's Why You've Got to Change Your AC's Filter Now!

Many people neglect their AC air filters without realizing the harm this causes. How you approach air filter maintenance will affect everything from your health to your bank account. Once you discover the many ways that a clean air filter benefits you, you’ll easily see the importance of changing the filter every 30 days.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

The air filter in your cooling system removes contaminants from the treated air. When you operate the system with a clean air filter, it removes dust, debris, and unseen particles that might otherwise affect your health. If the filter is clean, you’ll breathe cleaner indoor air.

Conversely, a clogged filter won’t cleanse your treated air properly. In fact, there will be more contaminants in your indoor air since the particles clogging the filter will get picked up as the air gets forced through the dirty filter. 

If you find it harder to breathe or you notice increased allergy symptoms, check your air filter. Alternatively, you can always contact an experienced AC maintenance company in Minooka, IL, for help.

Protect Your Equipment

When you operate the AC with a dirty air filter, the system will struggle to force treated air through it. This causes the entire system to work harder to meet your space’s cooling needs.


As a result, your home won’t feel as cool as it should, and your cooling system’s components will wear out faster. In contrast, keeping up with air filter changes will mean needing fewer AC repairs.

Reduce Energy Waste

Along with an increased rate of wear and tear damage, the effects of using a clogged air filter include greater energy waste. The dirty filter forces the system to work harder to cool your home. 

Before you call an AC maintenance company in Minooka, IL, to address your rising energy costs, replace your dirty air filter. You might see improved efficiency immediately.

Schedule a Tune-Up With an AC Maintenance Company in Minooka, IL

EZ Air provides HVAC maintenance, repairs, and installation services. If your air conditioner hasn’t had a tune-up this year, we can perform a comprehensive maintenance check. To keep your AC operating efficiently throughout the warmer months, contact us to schedule service.

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